Monday 25 June 2018

Microadventure #6 - Jersey 'Round the Island' Challenge

This month's microadventure began when my plane to Jersey was diverted overnight to Southampton airport because of fog! But I finally landed the next morning in time for some carb loading, sleeping and gin 'hydrating' in my cousin Penny and Andrew's lovely garden.

Beautiful sunshine above the fog!

Clearer view the next day

With my sunbathing buddy, Doogle

With Mum (also visiting), Penny and her Mum Jenny in Penny and Andrew's garden
This time last year I had never even been to Jersey, but on Saturday I got to know every corner of the island as I walked and ran around its 77km coastline. If you want a speedier version of my 12.5 hour round-trip, you can do a quick circumnavigation (without the blisters and sore legs) here:

Over 1000 people signed up for the event - mostly walking, some running and some doing a mix of both like me. We started at 03:00 so did the first few km in the dark, but as it was only a couple of days after the summer solstice it wasn't long before we were treated to an amazing sunrise and the smell of freshly cooked bacon wafting over the hill as we approached St Catherine's for our first break.

The 03:00 start at St Helier

The procession of silhouettes rounding the south-east corner of the island

Approaching Mont Orgueil Castle in Gorey 

Sunrise at Anne Port

Bacon roll and coffee stop at St Catherine's 

Having walked the first 12km, my legs felt warm (but still fresh) enough to break into a gentle jog as we hit the undulating north coast.The ups and downs of the narrow coastal path were a welcome distraction to the monotony and relative flatness of the south-east. With the sun now up the views were incredible, and as long as I kept the sea to my right I knew I couldn't get lost!

While I was walking and running on my own, I wasn't ever really alone. Everyone was really friendly, so I joined other groups for a bit but also enjoyed the quietness of listening to my own breath, taking in the views and letting my thoughts wander. The beauty of a long challenge is there's no time pressure (or at least none that I gave myself), so I could just relax and really enjoy the experience. 

Long morning shadows

Stunning coastal paths

Half way point


As I came off the coastal path in the north-west corner, I could see Corbière lighthouse in the distance, which I recognised from my recce walk earlier in the year, but it was at the end of the long flat beach of St Ouen's. Mentally this was the hardest part of the whole thing for me - the lighthouse didn't seem to get any closer and the midday sun was brutal. So I had well-timed support from Mum, Penny and Jenny followed by a surprise visit from my friend Jenny and her daughter Jess, who brought a 'Keep Going Auntie Charlotte' pack of energy bars, plasters and ibuprofen/paracetamol as well as a much-needed hug just when I needed it the most!

The long flat stretch of St Ouen's

With Mum and Jenny

With Jenny and Jess at St Ouen's

When I finally made it to the lighthouse, I knew it was 'just' the south-west corner to go, and the ups and downs were a welcome change to the flat terrain of St Ouen's. Also part of my recce walk, I knew the twists and turns coming up so I could pace myself and really enjoy the last bit again. Amazing what some support from friends, a fresh pair of socks and a couple of paracetamol and ibuprofen can do to your motivation!

Corbière lighthouse... finally!

St Brelade's

Portelet beach
The last flat bay from St Aubin to St Helier was mentally tough again, but after 12.5 hours of moving time I finally made it to the finish and a very welcome leg massage!