Friday 23 May 2014

Eye to Eiffel 2014

Last week, seven guys and one girl filled their backpacks with energy bars and jelly beans and peddled over to the London Eye to begin the nearly 200 mile bike ride to the Eiffel Tower. This is the story of our journey....

Day One. Wednesday 14th May. London Eye to Newhaven. 57 miles.

After the continuous rain on Tuesday - which led to a rather unspectacular slow motion fall off my bike at traffic lights on the way home from work (forgetting about the toe clips on my new bike) - the weather couldn't have been more perfect for our first day of the trip!

Left to right: Francois, Ali, me, Rash, Olly, Michael, Bill and Graham

And it wasn't long before the next (just as unspectacular) fall, this time by Rash - when we were still in front of the London Eye. Without a support vehicle or medical professional among us (unless you count my brownie guide first aid badge), two falls before we'd even started didn't bode well, but we set off in the rough direction of the route we'd taken to Brighton a couple of months ago and managed to get some good miles under our belt before stopping for lunch at the Cowdray Arms in Balcombe, Sussex.

Rash celebrating his fall

Sweet potato fries at the Cowdray Arms
Post lunch stretching
Setting off after lunch, we picked up the speed a bit (must have been the sweet potato fries) and kept peddling south. Just outside Haywards Heath we had the third (far more spectacular) fall of the group and an opportunity for me to dust off my first aid badge (-; Must add there were no more falls after Day One though! Keeping a group of 8 together isn't easy so we often needed to look behind each other to check if everyone was still there. It's quite tricky to keep the wheels straight when you're looking back, and for poor Michael (aka the incredible powerhouse packhorse of the group with double panniers) it meant his wheels clipped the side of the road and threw him off balance. But legend that he is he just jumped back on and it wasn't long before we found a very friendly Boots the Chemist who let us use some of their first aid box rather than buying up half the shop. 

Day One was quite hilly so the long daylight hours really worked in our favour meaning we could stop and rest, stretch or refuel when we needed, finally getting to Newhaven around 9pm. 

Making the most of the sunshine
Road side stretching
Ali and enough energy gels to light up the London Eye
Day One. Done.

Day Two. Thursday 15th May. Dieppe to Gournay En Bray. 47 miles.

Day Two started with a 4 hour ferry crossing from Newhaven to Dieppe, eating croissants, checking the routes and catching some rays. So it was a bit of a shock to the system when, at about 3:30pm French time, we had to get back on the bikes and cycle another nearly 50 miles to Gournay En Bray.

About to check in
Newhaven port
Croissants and sunbathing on deck
Checking the route
On board yoga class 
Approaching Dieppe
The majority of the route for Day Two followed a disused railway track (called Avenue Verte) which meant we avoided roads and went through some really beautiful countryside. With the extra hour of light we made it to Gournay En Bray just before sunset and just in time to eat at a nearby restaurant. Steak-frites x 8!!

Rash, Michael and Olly at the start of the Avenue Verte

Team t-shirt day with Francois
The old fuels are the best
Our hotel for the night...
Just kidding. But the little restaurant next to where we DID stay had great steak-frites

Day Three. Friday 16th May. Gournay En Bray to Paris. 84 miles.

At the end of Day Two, Rash realised that one of his wheels had lost a spoke and wasn't properly aligned so in the absence of a bike repair shop we tracked down a MOTORbike repair shop. They couldn't replace the spoke (obviously) but did manage to realign the wheel so we set off just after 10am.

Rash outside the motorbike repair shop
It was a long loooooooooooong day with lots of hills but beautiful scenery again. Francois managed to get some action shots which really showcase northern France in a way I've never appreciated before.

We had lunch sitting on a wall in the sun outside a little boulangerie before doing the last push into Paris. Michael, Bill and Graham took the lead in map reading (never my strong point) as we approached the outskirts of the city - I wouldn't have had a clue!

Which way?!
Who knows?!
The first sighting of the Eiffel Tower was amazing (and such a relief), even if it was very far into the distance. But we finally arrived, exhausted but elated at 9pm. And by 10pm we were already talking about where to go on our next trip. Addictive, this long distance cycling mallarky!

A teeny tiny Eiffel Tower in the distance
Made it! Love this one - think Bill just spotted his wife who'd come to Paris to meet him!

Day Four. Saturday 17th May. Paris. 0 miles (unless you count cycling to Gare du Nord to get the Eurostar home!)

After 3 days of cycling it was great to spend a sunny Saturday with my Mexican friend Rebeca who I met when I lived in Morocco. She now lives in Paris with her husband Porfirio, son Mathias and gorgeous pointer Petra. It was so relaxing not to rush anywhere and just enjoy catching up, watching Mathi play in the park playground near their apartment. Throw a lovely lunch into the mix and it was the perfect antidote to 3 days of cycling.

On the way to the station I managed to snap my new bike in front of some of the other famous Paris sights before heading home on the Eurostar and cycling back to Balham from Kings Cross St Pancras. Crossing  Lambeth Bridge I had a great view of the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye. Hard to believe it was only 4 days before that we'd set off on our journey!

Grand palais
Arc de Triomphe

Full circle. Overlooking the London Eye from Lambeth Bridge.