Tuesday 29 May 2018

BONUS Microadventure #5 - Mountain Sleep-Out

If you had accidentally booked accommodation on your yoga retreat holiday for 4 nights instead of 5, and there was only one room available for the extra night, would you...

a) Share a room with your snoring Mum? 
b) Sleep in one of the retreat's comfy wigwam tents?
c) Borrow a sleeping bag and tarpaulin as a makeshift bivvy bag and sleep on top of a hill?

No brainer, right? Just a shame about the rain... (especially when the rest of the week was sunny!)

Big thank you to Sarah and Martin at Casa de Carrasco for kitting me out at the last minute!


Setting out about 9pm, aiming for the bit between the trees

Setting up camp on the hill-top yoga platform


My waterproof cocoon/tarpaulin


Morrrrre rain on its way

Looking down on the retreat from the hill-top

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