Tuesday 24 January 2012

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go

I've just finished my last full day in the Restless Development London office, followed by a crash course in variance analysis and quarterly budget re-forecasting over a pint with Robyn (Programme Quality Director) and a lovely surprise goodbye dinner at Lou and Ollie's. Wonder when/where I'll next eat bangers and mash?!

Tomorrow I'll be kicking off four to five months "roaming" our Country Programme offices in Africa to support our teams to develop a clear vision and strategy for our youth civic participation and advocacy/policy-related work. I'm really excited to be starting in Freetown (Sierra Leone) because there are general elections this year and (hopefully) lots of opportunities to tie the work we do with young people into voter education, peace building and youth participation in decision-making processes. If you want a bit of background to Restless Development, check out the short animation on the homepage of our website - it sums up what we do and where/how we do it: www.restlessdevelopment.org

I feel like I'm in a bit of a whirlwind at the moment, and haven't even had time to read the background section in my Bradt guide to Sierra Leone so have absolutely no expectations, which may be a good or a bad thing... Either way, I'm getting on a flight to Freetown tomorrow and will hopefully at least know what the local currency is by the time I get there!

A surprise bangers and mash goodbye dinner at Lou and Ollie's
My life for the next four to five months
Homemade cupcakes by Lisa!

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