Wednesday 15 February 2012

Last day of Sierra Leone Phase #1

I'm just about to head off to Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania for our International Programme Quality Conference, but have managed to cram loads into my last day of Phase #1 in Sierra Leone (I'll be back again after the conference).

Started the day with an early meeting with our Management Committee in Freetown to select, analyse and prioritise the policy problems generated in the workshop on Monday. The problems we chose will form the basis of the action plan I'll be working on when I come back for Phase #2 so it was exciting to see it all come together. Photos below.

I was really pleased to meet with the Policy and Campaigns Manager from Leonard Cheshire Disability this afternoon. Before I started at Restless Development, I did a consultancy there and got to know about a great programme they run called "Young Voices" which is all about young people with disabilities campaigning for their rights through the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. They have lots of experience in engaging young people in policy and advocacy work so there is a lot of crossover with the work we do, and I'm looking forward to introducing them to some of our team and exploring possibilities for shared working when I get back from Tanzania.

I thought I'd finish up with a few photos that I've taken round and about Freetown over the last 3 weeks. It's a difficult place to describe, so I'll let the photos do the talking!

Overlooking the harbour from Fourah Bay College
Overlooking the central part of Freetown from Fourah Bay College
Central Freetown
Street vendor in central Freetown
Road heading out of Freetown
Lots of construction work
Funky wall art on my walk on the way to the office
Freetown by night - no street lights!

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