Wednesday 8 February 2012

Meet the Sierra Leone team!

Today I thought I'd introduce some of the team in our office in Freetown. It's not everybody, as I'm learning that it's very rare that everyone's in Freetown at the same time because so many of our programmes are located in other regions and managed from field offices all over the country. But hopefully it'll give a flavour of the office environment and some of the great people I'm working with, as well as some of the surrounding community(!)
With Mr Mansour, the tailor next to the office. He's going to make me an African dress once I buy some material 
Josephine (with her daughter) who I buy my bananas from everyday
The Youth Leadership and Advocacy Team - James, Quentin and David
Ahmed, Finance Coordinator/aka the boss man (-;
Mahmoud, the IT guy who got my Outlook to work. He's my bud
With Kebbie, who has a unique skill for bringing me tea and chilling me out just at the moment I want to throw my computer out the window. Don't know what I'd do without him! 
James - Monitoring and Evaluation Manager/aka Logframe King!
Jalloh, Youth Leadership and Advocacy Programme Manager
The ladieeeeeeeeeez (in a very male dominated office!) - Juliette (Office Security/my Krio Teacher) and Fatthi (Administrator/my Sierra Leonean Fashion Guru)

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