Sunday 19 August 2012

ICS Global Workshop in Nepal

On August 4th I finally moved into my new flat in London and unpacked the boxes that have been living at Mum and Dad's for most of this year.... and on August 9th I repacked my suitcases and headed off for a three week trip to Nepal and India, kicking off with the ICS (International Citizen Service) Global Training Workshop.

In the last post I wrote, I described my new role as Programme Development Manager for the ICS programme at Restless Development. ICS sends young volunteers from the UK to work alongside national counterparts in developing countries, contributing to projects in Livelihoods, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Civic Participation. For this training workshop, two representatives from each of our eight Restless Development countries travelled to Nepal for a week of training. It was the first time we'd brought the whole team together in one place and it was worth a thousand (often unreliable) skype calls at such a vital time at the end of the one year pilot programme and before the three year scale-up. 
Restless Development ICS Global Team
The week was packed with lots of different sessions including volunteer management, risk assessment, recruitment, selection and training of volunteers and monitoring and evaluation of the projects volunteers will be working on. Everyone really got stuck into the long days I was really impressed with the energy that all the participants and other facilitators managed to maintain right to the end of the week. 

Xenia leads a session on training volunteers
Break-out groups in incredible surroundings next to the training room
Risk assessment discussions
One of the many energisers to break up the training sessions

Half way through the week we had the afternoon off and went into Kathmandu to explore Swayambhunath (aka "monkey temple" - the photos below show why). It was a great break to a very busy week and also a chance to meet with the Restless Development Nepal team who were fantastic hosts!

 The long way up to Swayambhunath

Monkey temple!

 Swayambhunath stupa and golden temple

The stupa at night

At the end of the week, everyone headed off in different directions, with our poor Sierra Leonean colleagues facing nearly a 48 hour journey with stopovers in Doha, Addis Ababa, Accra before reaching Freetown! I didn't have anyway near as far to go as I'm set to stay on in Kathmandu for an extra few days to work more closely with the Nepal team on programme design, squeezing in a bit of weekend time first. I'll fill you in on my next post...

End of workshop presentations

UK-based ICS team and facilitators with Nepal Country Director and his wife

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