Thursday 23 August 2012

Post-workshop Kathmandu

After such an intense week for the workshop, it was great to have a couple of days off before getting stuck into ICS programme design with the Nepal team.

Ravindra (Nepal Country Director) took me and two of the other workshop facilitators, Xenia and Hannah, on a hike just outside Kathmandu. It wasn't quite the Ganesh Himal trek of last November but still great to get out in the fresh air (and driving rain!) While we were hiking we met an old lady who was carrying lots of beautiful flowers. Ravindra told us she said "If you have peace in your mind you will flourish like the sun" before she gave us some of her flowers. Got the impression her husband wasn't quite so deep and meaningful and found our massive height difference far more entertaining! (See pic below).
Sheltering from a downpour
Still waiting... but the crisps help!

Ravindra invited us back to his home after the walk and he introduced us to his goats(!) and his family who taught us how to make momos - traditional Nepali steamed dumplings. Turns out they're not as easy to make as they are delicious but still, it's the effort that counts, right?!

As well as hiking and momo making I managed to squeeze in a bit of shopping to find a traditional kurta which I'm getting made up ready for my India trip next week. There were so many to choose from but I managed to pick one in the end!

After three days in the Nepal office, supporting with ICS programme design I rounded off the week with a singing bowl therapy session. Yes, you read it right. A singing bowl therapy session. I had absolutely no idea what this would entail but will try anything once so with an open mind and comfortable clothes, Hannah, Xenia and I spent an 90 minutes hours ommm-ing, sitting next to, lying holding and even standing INSIDE singing bowls that our "therapist" made "sing" by striking the sides or circling the edge with a soft-tipped mallet. It was definitely an interesting experience, enough so for me to buy a singing bowl to take home. Wonder how long it will take for me to start using it as a fruit bowl!

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