Sunday 25 March 2012

Bureh Beach Party and Tacugama Chimp Sanctuary

This Saturday, 110 people from Freetown headed down the coast to Bureh beach for an all night beach party, organised by Beth (whose yoga classes I've been going to). I left it a bit late to book one of the beach huts or tents but managed to set up a makeshift tent, hanging my mosquito net from a palm tree shelter and using a couple of cushions from the sofa to sleep on. Felt pretty hardcore just along from the IMATT (British Military) guys with their fancy camouflage mosquito-netted hammocks! 

It was an absolutely stunning beach and there was a great atmosphere with games of frisbee and beach volleyball going on as the sun set, followed by fresh fish, rice, beer and dancing round a massive campfire. Someone had managed to rig up a sound system and the usual Salone mix of reggae and rap blared out till about 7 in the morning (not that I made it to that point!) 

View from tents on to beach
My "tent"
Watching the sunset
Sunset volleyball
Next morning breakfast
On the way to Tacugama via Kent(!)

On the way back from Bureh, we took the mountain road to Freetown and visited Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary. I've never seen chimps before and I found them fascinating to watch. Apparently they're our closest living evolutionary relatives and our genomes are nearly 99% the same! At Tacugama they rescue chimps from homes where they're kept as pets and prepare them to be released back into the wild. I was really impressed by how well run it is and wish I had more time so that I could stay the night in one of the tree-houses they have for overnight visitors. It's totally uncommercial and I hope it stays that way...

Think my "Chimp" is better than my Krio!
Heading up to the viewing platform
Just hanging out (-;

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