Thursday 12 April 2012

East London, South Africa

I've always been more of a South London girl, but for the next four weeks I'm going "out East" (as they'd say in 'Enders), just a different country, continent and time zone!

It's not been the greatest of starts. Let's just say that the laugh-cry continuum (posted 21/03/12) is being tested to the max!! But I like to think of myself as a glass-half-full kinda gal, and as the '90s D:Ream classic says, things can only get better! Phone calls and emails from home have really kept me going so a massive thank you to those who've got in touch. Lisa Payne - from one (albeit temporary) East London girl to another, you are a STAR (and I will endeavour to find you a South African snow globe while I'm here!)

Every cloud does have a silver lining though, and I'm really pleased to be in the process of setting up a meeting with the youth coordinator at the Eastern Cape Police Department, something that's only come about as a result of Tuesday's mugging. Opportunities come out of the strangest of situations so I'm just going with it! I'm hoping that the police can do a safety briefing for our next cycle of international volunteers and increase their patrols near the office, as well as exploring the possibility of partnering with them on some of the work they already do with young people in relation to civic participation. 
The bizarre zebra-roofed hostel where I'm staying
My bright yellow room with slightly scary African mask murals
Traditional Xhosa food
The corridor to the office
View from my office window - clearly not a place for vegetarians!
With Kelvin and Kitty in the office

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