Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter at home, and on a plane!

I can't believe it's only been a week since I got back from Sierra Leone - it's completely flown by and I'm about to fly again...

Kent looks amazing at this time of year - the daffodils are out, it's lambing season and the bluebell woods are just starting to turn blue. But, as if to make me feel "at home" (in Sierra Leone terms), there's also a hose pipe ban and the next door farm seems to have got a rooster! 

As well as a very busy day in the office, it's been lovely to catch up with friends in London - massive thanks to Lou and Ollie for being my temporary London home, and for dragging me out running on Wandsworth Common on Friday (even if I didn't recognise Jonny Vaughan!) Next time 10km... and I won't be a slacker on hills! A boozy lunch in the East Hill pub later and it felt like I'd never been away. 
Pimms o'clock with Lisa
Andrea and Louise
East Hill lunch

Yesterday I was back down in Kent, catching up with Mum, Dad, Ned, Angie and the kiddie-winks.  With all the amazing weather I'd been hearing about in the UK, I had grand plans for barbecues and Easter egg hunts in glorious Spring sunshine. Two out of the three still happened, but with big coats, woolly hats and log fires instead! 10 out of 10 for effort on Izzy and Fabian's part. Think they were turning blue at one point, but chocolate's always a good incentive...
Dad and Ned - all weather barbecuers!
Fabian triumphant
Izzy weighing up the pros and cons of having two bags of chocolate and ten frozen toes

So it's Easter Sunday today and I'm about to head to the airport to fly to South Africa where I'll be based for the next month. I'm currently in a big blur of packing, washing and re-packing. I'm sure I should be getting better/quicker at it by now?! Living out of a suitcase ain't as easy as I thought it'd be!

Happy Easter everyone! Keep the emails and Skype coming - internet should be better in South Africa (-:

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