Tuesday 29 May 2012

Chobe National Park, Botswana

On Sunday I was in a National Geographic documentary. Or at least that's what it felt like. I left Livingstone early in the morning and headed across the Zambian border to Botswana for a visit to Chobe National Park. 

Although I visited a game reserve in South Africa two years ago when I did my MA research in the Western Cape, I hadn't been on a "real" safari since I was in Zimbabwe when I was eleven. And it felt a bit like I was eleven again, in awe of everything that I was seeing and with my jaw constantly dropped. I kept waiting for David Attenborough to pop out from behind a tree and give a running commentary!

In the morning we went on a jeep safari in the park itself and saw lots of antelope (impala, sable, kudu...), giraffes, elephants, warthogs, meerkats, hippos and even a lion (at a distance I'm pleased to say so not good enough for a photo so you'll have to take my word for it!) In the afternoon we transferred to a boat ride along the Chobe river, with Botswana on one side and Namibia on the other. The absolute highlight was watching a herd of elephants crossing the river right by our boat. Never seen anything like it. So I'll shut up now and let the photos speak for themselves...
Jeep safari n Chobe National Park
Drink stop by the Chobe river, looking out at Namibia
Impala and warthog
My favourites! 
Croc hiding from elephants
Hippo pod wakes up
With Sarah and Jennifer, American volunteers in the capital, Lusaka

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